Monday, August 4, 2008

I missed my Airplane

Gotta tell you, today has sucked more than your usual moving-to-another-country stress out.

I've already got some major emotional issues with leaving behind everything I know and love here in Orlando, and had to say goodbye to a really awesome job and some fantastic people over the last few days, leaving me drained and a tinge of depression over the whole affair, which I really wasn't expecting at all.

Also, it's been a nightmare trying to lock down a flat in England, as Gina and I had decided to move in with a friend of a friend of hers, and he's proving to be unreliable and overpriced, so, this morning, on three hours of sleep, still underpacked and hoping to do a few last minute things before leaving, when I got a phone call from her, it was the beginning of a giant unwind that would leave me stranded and even more uncertain about this whole thing than I've been at the very lowest of points.

Gina told me that, though she'd been planning to move into our new flat this evening, it wasn't happening now.  At the earliest, she'd been told (from the estate agent, whom she'd had to call directly, not the guy renting the place out), she could move in tomorrow afternoon, but only if x-amount of paperwork went through perfectly.

Since none of that paperwork belongs to either of us, it's still not really a certainty that we'd have a place to sleep tomorrow night.  So, I vomited, then I called my mom, who was on her way over, to let her know that things were going in the crapper and I was sort of having an emotional melt down.

In retrospect, if I'd slept properly or was more well-prepared, packing wise, in the days prior, I might have sat myself down, weighed my options, and come up with something else to do.  But I didn't, and my mom's reaction wasn't the best in the world.

Lots of family arguing, sub-par packing, and travel drama later, I was late to the airport (my fault), and begging the agency to move me to a later flight for an affordable penance.  $130 was the best they could do.

Hopefully, I still have enough to activate my visa now, as I lost my apron with all my earnings from Saturday night in it, and that leaves me a little short of bliss.

Anyway, the plan now is to leave tomorrow, August 5th, at 6:30pm.  I'll be in England a day late and several dollars short.

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