Tuesday, September 25, 2007


First of all - enjoy some new posts:

Reiko Aylesworth in Alien vs. Predator
Jen Garner's new Flick
Simon Pegg and Nick Frost's new film (Am incredibly happy about this news)
Toni Collette's got one in the oven

Okay, so, I just got my first article-related paycheck from collegetipsforparents.org, which is incredibly exciting. It's for a whopping $25, and it's stuck in my paypal account, but that's beside the point. The point is, cash refuels my ambition, and I've got a renewed sense of vigor in terms of finding other gigs.

I've decided to shape up a bit before ShowEast, just in case I actually run into someone who cares, so I'll keep the blog abreast of any progress I make. I also should drop some flab before I get my headshots for the gearlive blogs taken. Just to avoid unnecessary attacks, you know ... and I'm vain.

In other news, I'm working on a review of Eastern Promises, which I liked and reccomend to all who aren't put off by senseless gore or naked Viggo Mortensen having a knife fight in a literal steam bath. I'm also pulling together some research for the load of work I continue to pile on myself for boxoffice.com.

Hopefully, that pile of work will soon turn into links that I can post here for all to enjoy. In the meantime, I'm going to work out.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

My First Press Pass

I just got word from my editor at boxoffice.com that I'm getting a press pass to cover ShowEast!!

Be still my heart. More news on that later, and maybe a photo of me posing with my pass.

In the meantime - check out some recent posts.

Book Adaptations

Andromeda Strain

Dead Like Me

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My First Month

I started college in 2004 with no clear idea of what I wanted to major in. I'd been reading books about freelance journalism since the age of about fourteen, and had even written a few queries and immediately thrown them out. Fiction was my medium, but a Creative Writing major seemed dull and pointless.

I figured in my freshman year to apply to several pratical sounding programs. Advertising, Journalism, and the coveted Fine Arts Film Production program, assuming that I would probably get into one of them, minor in mag journalism, and just end up doing that for a living. Well, I got into film, which was great. I spent the next three years learning all about the Film biz, and planning my future career in the industry.

Occasionally I'd play the write-a-query-throw-it-out game, but that didn't matter, because film was where I was going to end up. This summer, however, one of our ever-present Film emails came with a headline that got the old juices flowing, "Boxoffice.com Looking for Writers." I emailed in immediately with a quick sample about the adaptation of one of my favorite books, and got an encouraging response. I should mention here that if the author herself didn't keep a blog, I wouldn't have even had an interesting enough stance to write the sample. (http://livejournal.com/users/libba_bray)

Once I'd secured a column, the urge to start working was back. I discovered Deborah Ng's freelance job board, and started applying for jobs left and right. The first emails were probably a bit embarassing in retrospect, but I've crafted a fairly good cover letter (I think), and the work is becoming steadier.

I've been intending to start a blog about this for a few weeks, but now that my first publications are up, as a blogger for gearlive on http://tvenvy.com and http://filmcrunch.com I feel comfortable making my first post.

Check out my posts linked on the bottom of the page. Don't read the first one if you're sensative to Lost spoilers. I should have some boxoffice.com stuff up soon, and news on whether or not they'll be sending me to ShowEast (I hope, I hope, I hope) on assignment. I also have stuff coming in for a College Tips site and possibly for Dvisible magazine.

Keep checking the gearlive blogs for posts, and I'll update publications here. I'd love feedback on my work, and advice on where I should go next.

Thanks to everyone for reading -

Dom Monaghan Back on the Big Screen
Sassy Girl Remake
(there's a very strange typo in this one after Elisha Cuthbert's name, I'm assuming the editor made an oops while tagging it or that I can't accept my own shortcomings).